If you’ve recently adopted a puppy, you will ask yourself, “how can I stop my puppy from biting me?”
Puppy biting becomes a very frustrating issue for owners and, in some cases, harms the bonding process between the owner and the puppy.
Puppy biting may be cute at first, but these little nips can turn into painful bites as your puppy grows. Puppies’ teeth are razor-sharp, and dogs often don’t realize how hard they’re biting.
As a result, the puppy-raising experience will almost always include that one moment when Fido playfully bites down on a finger and draws blood. In addition, puppy nipping can be especially painful for young children or older people.
So teaching your puppy not to bite is an essential part of training because a biting adult dog poses a severe risk to others, particularly children and pets.
Once you know the reasons, there are some simple adjustments you can make to decrease those bitey behaviors and help your puppy feel better at the same time. It’s a win-win! But first, let’s find out why puppies bite.
Why Is My Puppy Biting Me?
By being aware of why our dog acts the way he does, we can address the issue on hand much faster.
Almost everyone who has raised a puppy has dealt with biting in some form or another. And because puppies are more playful and have yet to learn social skills, they will bite more than adult dogs.
It’s now time to understand the motivation behind your puppy’s nipping so you can modify your training and management of your puppy.
One of the leading causes of biting in puppies is teething. Puppies aren’t teething until they’re about 16 weeks old, and it continues until they’re about 7-8 months old. This is when their razor-sharp baby teeth begin to fall out, and they get their adult teeth.
So at the time of the puppy’s teething, biting gives them relief from the discomfort associated with that and makes it easier for the baby teeth to come out.
So your puppy, like a baby, will do whatever they can to make themselves feel better, even if it’s to get your attention.
Furthermore, puppies enjoy exploring the world with their teeth, playing with their teeth, expressing their displeasure, and even falling asleep while chewing on something.
Puppies bite because it is how they discover and interact with their environment. They can’t pick things up with their paws, so they use their mouths.
Like any young animal, puppies are insatiably curious and eager to learn about their surroundings. But, the vast majority of the time, they will use their mouth to interact with the world around them.
The goal isn’t always to chew, destroy, or harm. They are simply attempting to comprehend how to interact with the outside world. It’s a natural reaction.
So it’s important to note that puppy biting is normal behavior. It is certainly not an inherent sign of aggression.
However, puppies should learn between appropriate play with humans and appropriate play with other dogs.
Because your puppy does not know how to play independently, they rely on you to provide them with activities and games to keep them entertained.
Moreover, they quickly learn that nipping and jumping are the most effective ways to refocus your attention on them.
Therefore, keeping your puppy mentally active is just as important as physically active. Understimulated or bored puppies may exhibit destructive behaviors such as nipping.
How to Stop Puppy from Biting
Training your puppy to stop biting is not a quick process. It takes a lot of patience and consistency, and some dogs take longer to train than others.
But before gaining knowledge on how to train your puppy not to bite, you may need to prepare yourself not to react in a way that will damage your puppy’s trust or hinder his learning.
It may appear that yelling at or punishing your puppy for nipping is a good way to get your point across, but it has the opposite effect.
Rather than teaching your dog that their behavior is unacceptable, they will learn that biting gets them attention and will continue to bite.
In addition, any act of aggression on your part will only erode your trust in your new puppy. You never want to instill fear in others; it will get you nowhere and cause emotional harm.
Having made these clarifications, let’s now look at the main methods we can use to stop a puppy from biting.
Bite Inhibition
Puppies in a pack learn bite inhibition naturally while playing together. When the other pup yelps, they realize they’re biting too hard.
So allow him to bite you to mimic this behavior. Then, when he chews too hard, look your puppy right in the eye and let out a loud “Hey!” or “Ouch!” noise, and then praise him when he stops what he’s doing.
However, if the puppy continues to misbehave, reprimand it immediately and firmly by yelling “No!” loudly and walking away from the game for a brief time.
In other words, if your puppy bites while playing, make sure they know it means that playtime is over, with no exceptions.
Remember, when a consistent correction for inappropriate behavior is not given, the dog learns that it can misbehave without much repercussion.
Redirect Attention
In conjunction with the above method, redirection is a tactic that involves changing their focus from poor behavior to a good one.
Redirection necessitates some forethought. If your dog tries to bite you, remove your hand before he has a chance. Then give him a treat or a toy to divert his attention.
Choosing suitable toys provides something for your pup to chew on. A toy that allows you to hide a treat inside is ideal for this situation. So choose toys that will challenge your dog mentally as well as physically.
This is an incredibly effective strategy if your dog is a destructive chewer. In addition, this will prevent boredom and destructive behavior while also teaching them how to play individually.
Last but not least, offering natural chews or durable toys will be exciting and will occupy some of their time, giving you a break from puppy play.
Unfortunately, in some cases, redirecting to a toy or chew isn’t “enough” for some puppies. Switching to training treats or bits of their kibble can help here, and you can get some excellent training practice in.
Don’t Put Your Hands Into Puppy’s Mouth
Using your hands and feet for playtime is the most common mistake made by pet owners during their puppy’s early stages, and it is the most significant contributor to a nasty biting habit.
If you’re starting, keep a toy in your hand while you play because otherwise, you’re inviting your puppy to bite you and play with your hands.
So, please, try to avoid initiating playtime with your hands and instead use a toy!
Any affirming behavior will tell your puppy that what he’s doing is fine, the exact opposite of what you want.
Teaching your puppy not to bite is one of the first things you will want to work on, especially if you have children.
It will take some time for your puppy to get the hang of things. It could take him a couple of weeks to learn. But, over that time, you should notice some progress. Remember, patience and positive reinforcement are the keys.
So, a nipping puppy can be a playful puppy, but puppies should not try to touch human skin with their teeth after 15 weeks.
However, if he isn’t improving at all, or if his behavior worsens, it’s time to get him evaluated by a professional. A professional dog trainer can determine whether there is underlying aggression or fear.
Pet parents must teach their puppies that biting hands and feet won’t fly. If your pet is adequately treated, they will only learn how to act appropriately through repeated and consistent training.